Benjamin LeRoy is the Publisher of Tyrus Books, an independent press known for its crime and dark literary fiction. Before starting Tyrus Books in the summer of 2009, he was a founder and Publisher of Bleak House Books. In 2008, Publishers Weekly selected LeRoy as part of their “Fifty Under Forty” series. Novels published by Bleak House and Tyrus have been nominated for and/or won most of the major awards in crime fiction including the Edgar, the Shamus, the Anthony, and the Barry. Other accolades include Lambda Award nominations, a Florida Book Award, and a Southern California Independent Booksellers Association nomination. He is at work on a novel and a variety of media projects using words, audio, and video as part of The Bagmen Collective. He is particularly interested in crime and literary fiction as well as novels set in non-metropolitan pockets of America that deal with regular people having to make sense of the world, usually after a crime.