Lori Handeland
Lori Handeland has written nearly fifty novels, novellas and short stories in several genres–historical, contemporary, series and paranormal romance, as well as urban fantasy–for such publishers as: Dorchester, Kensington, Harlequin, St. Martin’s Press, Harper-Collins and Simon and Schuster.

She is a New York Times, USA Today, Waldenbooks and Bookscan Bestselling Author and the recipient of many industry awards, including two RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America for Best Paranormal and Best Long Contemporary Romance. Published world wide and known for her popular and highly acclaimed Nighcreature paranormal series, Lori began the long awaited Urban Fantasy series – The Phoenix Chronicles in 2008.  In June 2010, Lori will turn to Elizabethan England for SHAKESPEARE UNDEAD.  The Bard has bite!

Lori lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two sons and a yellow lab named Elwood.