Thome, David

David Thome has written 20 screenplays. Four of them were optioned by companies in Hollywood and elsewhere–one of them twice–without his ever moving from Wisconsin.   Past President of the Wisconsin Screenwriters Forum, recognitions include  scripts which reached the semifinals Read more…

Schepartz, Fred

Fred Schepartz writes science fiction, fantasy and horror. He has one published novel, Vampire Cabbie. He recently completed his next novel, Guitar God and just started yet another, Solidarity Moon. Fred also publishes and edits Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.

Benson, Raymond

RAYMOND BENSON is the author of 25 published books.  He wrote six original James Bond novels, three film novelizations, and three short stories—all published worldwide.  Three 007 titles each are collected in the recent anthologies CHOICE OF WEAPONS and THE UNION TRILOGY.  His Read more…