Apps, Jerry

Jerry Apps, born and raised on a Wisconsin farm, is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of more than 25 books, many of them on rural history and country life. His nonfiction books include: Living a Country Year, Every Farm Tells a Story, When Chores Were Read more…

Busse, Sarah

Sarah Busse is the co-editor of the poetry magazine Verse Wisconsin, and the author of two chapbooks: Quiver (Red Dragonfly Press, 2009) and Given These Magics (Finishing Line Press, 2010). She is the co-author of a picture book, Banjo Granny (Houghton Mifflin 2006), with her mother, Jacqueline Briggs Martin. Sarah Read more…

Schoenknecht, John

John Schoenknecht was born and raised in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.   After attending UW-Oshkosh, he began a career as a middle school art teacher in the Waukesha, Wisconsin School District.    He earned is Master’s Degree in Education from Carroll University in 1992.  While in Waukesha, he became interested in the numerous mineral springs Read more…

Anton, Shari

Shari Anton’s resume lists an impressive string of job titles, from personnel clerk to executive secretary. When she took a creative writing class and found she possessed some talent for writing fiction, she dared to dream of a career that allowed her to work at home, shun panty hose and Read more…

Giorgio, Kathie

KATHIE GIORGIO’S short story collection, “Enlarged Hearts,” is due to be released in early 2012 by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company.  Her first novel, “The Home For Wayward Clocks,” was released on February 1, 2011, by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company as well.   Her short stories have appeared Read more…

Austin, Lynne

Lynne Austin lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with her husband and four grown children.  Lynne draws from her experiences as a registered nurse, holistic practitioner, and spiritual teacher.  As her clients have reached out to her, looking for answers in life, she realized that we are all seekers, no matter what age. Read more…

Buhle, Paul

Paul Buhle, retired Senior Lecturer at Brown University, now living in Madison, Wisconsin, is author or editor of forty-one volumes including nine comic art books.  He is a frequent collaborator with Harvey Pekar, and their two most recent volumes are THE BEATS and STUDS TERKEL’S WORKING: A GRAPHIC ADAPTATION.  He Read more…

Vardaman, Wendy

WENDY VARDAMAN,, lives in Madison, Wisconsin  and is the author of Obstructed View (Fireweed Press). She works for The Young Shakespeare Players, a children’s theater company, co-edits Verse Wisconsin,, and does not own a car.

Taylor, Marilyn L.

In November 2008, following a highly competitive application process, Governor James Doyle appointed Marilyn L. Taylor as Poet Laureate for the State of Wisconsin. Previously she served a two-year term as Poet Laureate of the city of Milwaukee.  Even before her latest honor she was in high demand to lead Read more…