Diebel, Lynne

Lynne Diebel and Pat Dillon are independent writers.  Dillon formerly wrote a regional travel colum and worked in advertising in Milwaukee and Chicago.  Diebel previously taught English at Stoughton High School and is coauthor of ABCs Naturally, Paddling Northern Minnesota and Paddling Southern Minnesota.   They are coauthors of Green Travel Read more…

Dillon, Pat

Pat Dillon and Lynne Diebel are independent writers.  Dillon formerly wrote a regional travel colum and worked in advertising in Milwaukee and Chicago.  Diebel previously taught English at Stoughton High School and is coauthor of ABCs Naturally, Paddling Northern Minnesota and Paddling Southern Minnesota.   They are coauthors of Green Read more…

Lange, Sarah C.

Sarah C. Lange has been a magazine editor for 10 years, most recently at The Writer, which is dedicated to dispensing advice and inspiration for writers at every level. The magazine, owned by Kalmbach Publishing Co. in Waukesha, covers the craft and business of freelance writing, fiction writing, copywriting, screenwriting Read more…

Anderson, Paula

Paula Anderson publishes Echoes, a small press hand-stitched semi-annual poetry journal. Her publishing company Durnford’s Landing has published Idlewild by Ann Arntson, also Aubade and In the First Place by Judy Kolosso. Paula’s own poems have appeared in Icarus International, Centrifugal Eye, River Oak Review, Plainsongs, and others. She writes Read more…

Gordon, Michael

Michael Gordon is Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  He teaches courses in American Labor History, the History of Wisconsin, the 1950s, and local history, and serves as the Co-Coordinator of the department’s Public History Program, which helps prepare History graduate students for careers in museums and Read more…