Author Donors to the Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books Raffle

Peter Annin
Douglas Armstrong
Lynne Carol Austin
Bill Ayers/Susan Valerian
Lise Haller Baggesen
Michael Barsa
Philip Sutton Chard
Nicholas Chiarkas
Nina Corwin
Kerry Crowley
Kathy Flanagan
Keziah Frost
Barb Geiger
Kathie Giorgio
Michael Giorgio
Colleen June Glatzel
Eloisa Gomez
Ruth Goring
Robert E. Goswitz
Dasha Kelly Hamilton

Karla Huston
Matthew Janzen
Steven Kuehn
Dale Kushner
Jim Landwehr
Anna Lardinois
Andrea Lochen
Kathy Lyons/Jade Lee
Bill Mathis
Melanie Radzicki McManus
Carrie Newberry
Nick Petrie
Amy E. Reichert
Robert Root
Lila Lehrdahl Schwenk
Sue William Silverman
Jessica Swearingen
Gail Grenier Sweet
Jennifer Trethewey
Diane Valentine