To Books and Beyond – Literacy without Limits
The 2013 Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books was held at the University of Wisconsin-Waukesha from Thursday, September 19 to Sunday, September 22.
We would like to thank the hundreds of extraordinary volunteers, gifted authors and presenters, fantastic exhibitors, and supporting organizations for working to make the 2013 Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books successful. Without their help, the 4th annual event could not have taken place.

Thank you for a successful 2013!
Thank you and may a good book always be within reach.
Festival Snapshots
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel was the presenting sponsor for the 2013 Southeast Wisconsin Festival of Books held September 20-22 on the UW-Waukesha campus. The Journal provided readers snapshots of information about the FREE Festival which was housed under one roof.
The event was organized by the University of Wisconsin-Waukesha Foundation and other organizations.